small Creatures (a work in progress)
Aurora meets Downton Abbey when Earth’s survivors reach a new, socially, politically divided world. Modest human Adari and well–to–do Yedat Tamglis form a bond amid evidence he’s discovered about a pending war. The knowledge may stop it or shatter their world. Either come at the price of their unique attachment.
Two centuries after Earth's destruction, one of four ships carrying survivors to various stars arrives as Epsilon Eridani. They discover Canyeda, a world inhabited by the Yedat. Technologically behind, they are on the verge of television, electrical–mechanical computers and the concept of space travel (think late 1930s minus the Depression). This is a troubled planet. Years prior, a global war ended in an uneasy peace (imagine World War 2 ending with no winner; the US, England, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union and Imperial Japan coexisting). “Aliens” from another planet only complicate things. Unhappy with the find, Ark 3 can go no further, and there is a strong desire by some to make the best of it. By the time Ark 3 reached Epsilon Eridani, they have traveled across 11 light years of space. Read Sample (PDF) |